pretty good animating for a piece of crap flash.
i definately see some animating potential...
frame by frame is the hardest and you pulled it off.
clean it up, think about writing a story.
pretty good animating for a piece of crap flash.
i definately see some animating potential...
frame by frame is the hardest and you pulled it off.
clean it up, think about writing a story.
wow, thank you very much for your support. it means alot to me. this is actually the first flash ive ever done. ive got another account by the name of acid-burn, so how about checking out my other flash and telling me what you think?
You ripped off...
A family guy quote...
And the torch scene in family guy...
was good though, other then the plagurism
This is really starting to annoy me...
Not EVERYBODY watches "Familey guy"!
Try to understand that just because something exist, doesn't make everybody aware of it (or at least not the content of it).
nice work.
i liked the new letter...
honestly... it should be put in the dictionary.
day_andy @ hotmail . com is my msn
who does your voices?
Thanks, glad you liked it! I do most of the voices, but have help from BDDB and Q for Clydex and Cloe. (The platypus and the girl.)
Anyway, thanks for the review!
dude how did you get an award
this animation barely had anything in it...
the only good thing was ok lipsyncing...
there was no all for you to make this animation.
and there was no contention or conclusion.
I won an awards because its GOOD! Why else!?
you missed out on the 10
by baggin scarlet... how dare you shes the hottest thing since hot things... shes the finest of the fine and the oh of the oh... anyway perfect animation... but how dare you!
She's so average. I don't get it.
that was funny as hell
so fast. good humour. only good things...
arhh maybe the suicidal ending was a bit much but hey...
Read all of the text. In the middle of the 'angst' it says 'I like pokemon'. it was just a joke ending.
that was better then my first attempt
that wasnt that bad... ok script. so many people submit crap that just doesnt have any story...
excellent walk cycles! :P
but yeah it does seem like it was done by a kid.
just because it doesnt fit my 'expectations of animation'
doesnt mean it wasnt good. keep it up. just get more technical and better story's.
Thanks... I guess...
I am a kid... or at least mentally...
Joined on 9/14/05