You ripped off...
A family guy quote...
And the torch scene in family guy...
was good though, other then the plagurism
You ripped off...
A family guy quote...
And the torch scene in family guy...
was good though, other then the plagurism
This is really starting to annoy me...
Not EVERYBODY watches "Familey guy"!
Try to understand that just because something exist, doesn't make everybody aware of it (or at least not the content of it).
good commentary - humourous.
you were lucky to get 6 considering the crappy animation...
but overall I liked it...
I gave you a 10/10
even though i know all of your animation is just video footage traced.
You dont see this kinda stuff on newgrounds and you dont see this kind of art anywhere.
Props to you.
This is real art - a rare thing that usually gets overlooked, the imposter of common art blocks the sun like an eclipse.
See I can be arty too :)
hey nice work
regardless of your prementioned rip off... its pretty good...
futher then that.. its so good that you shouldnt have bothered trying to rip off a great.
you obviously have the ability to make some pretty good art...
next time create you own story... maybe you did... but it was a bit plagerised.(right spelling)
looking forward to more things from you.
nice work.
i liked the new letter...
honestly... it should be put in the dictionary.
day_andy @ hotmail . com is my msn
who does your voices?
Thanks, glad you liked it! I do most of the voices, but have help from BDDB and Q for Clydex and Cloe. (The platypus and the girl.)
Anyway, thanks for the review!
dude how did you get an award
this animation barely had anything in it...
the only good thing was ok lipsyncing...
there was no all for you to make this animation.
and there was no contention or conclusion.
I won an awards because its GOOD! Why else!?
really good for a bunch of kids :P
you did a good job... editting was good.
blood effects werent so good but looked lifelike.
next time a better story line. like a half life 2.
i bet u just couldnt stop could you?
you found something good and you didnt want it to end?
cause that just kept going and going. you should warn people that its going to be like watching an episode of the simpsons without ads.
good job, excellent style, intense effort on the smaller details wd... 10/10
Joined on 9/14/05